Elder Larsen and Elder Beeston |
Men in the Mirror |
So this week had a lot of ups and downs. I was really strugglin just trying to comprehend everything with the Gospel. I have been praying so hard. I just kept on questioning things but the Spirit would keep reminding me of all the experiences I have had. I kept praying though to have a big spirtual experience this week. And I got one. I was reading in Alma 56 yesterday morning about the Sons of Helaman and how they fought with such great strength and did not doubt. As soon as I read those words I was taken over by the most powerful Spirit I think I have ever felt. It felt like my body was being electrocuted! ha it was awesome. My prayer was answered and it really made this week better. I feel like I'm not working hard enough too. I get so overwhelmed with the 50 thousand books I have and also wanna find time to read the scriptures so it's tough but I'm getting better. The Spanish is startin to come along. Our lessons keep getting better. Weve taught like 8 now. Elder Killpack and I are doing pretty good together. We just need to keep focused and remember that that we can't go into the lessons with nothing prepared thinking the spirit will just take over although I know it will, but we still need to do our part to have it prepared. It's all about doing our part and the Lord will do the rest.
Perched :) |
So the food here still hasn't got to me yet (knock on wood) but I love it haha. I eat so much rice and beans and tamales and taquitos and chicken:) PROTEIN. The only sad thing is, which I pretty much cry about everyday is that Mango season is over. I got mangos for like 5 days and then
bam they're gone. Luckily I'm heading to a place with lots of mangos!:)
OH ya i forgot! September 15 is the indepedence day here! It is literally going to be the craziest thing ever. No one will sleep that night. It's already hard enough to sleep with all the "fireworks" going off every night:) We like to play a game to see which one are fireworks and which ones are gun shots:) haha its non stop all night though.
Killpack, Beeston & Gillins |
Well I don't have a lot of time. Only about an hour. So I gotta finish things up...there is so much more I wanna say!! Just know that I love you all so much. I am so thankful for all your prayers and love and support. I could not ask for better family and friends. I keep you all in my prayers every night. My prayers seem to take like an hour hahaha but I got a lot to talk about. Well....Adios errrbody! Tenga un buen dia!!
Love Elder Beeston
P.S. GO UTES!!!!! so sicck. keep me updated Dad i love hearing about it