Hey everyone we don't have much time to write today because we were at an activity yesterday and didn't get home in time to write. So we only got a little bit of time to write today. We went to one of the prettiest places in the mission all day and played soccer and stuff!! It is called Trujillo and it's like 4 hours away. We left at 4 in the morning and got back at night. It was super super sick tho. It's the most beautiful beach in Honduras besides roatan and we went and chilled there all day. I got a huge burger and french fries!!! hahahaha but I like tejadas better:) I got so burnt haha but it was awesome. I'm gonna send all those pics next week so don't worry there's a bunchy. I aint got no time today.
Austin's First Year Celebration |
This week was tough but we found a lot of new people to teach in our new area! We're working mega hard and are being led to a lot of new people! Especially in that new area Barrio Igles. [We found 11 new investigators and had two days straight where we taught 7 lessons each day. It was awesome. Really getting this area going.] Also we have a couple people on date for baptism this next month. I am excited for them and hope it goes through!!
This week has really been a roller coaster though. I have never been so mentally and emotionally exhausted in my life! ha but it's not supposed to be easy. Everyone has weaknesses and the only thing you can do is admit you have them and rely on the Lord and our Heavenly Father for strength. Christ has already paid the price for every single one of us and all we have to do is literally so simple. Just come unto him. As a missionary you literally have to lose yourself and that's somethin I'm really trying to work on. Also humility and charity...and PATIENCE. ha Knowing what Christ has done for me...serving a mission and giving everything I have is nothing. It's the least I can do. So you gotta just keep pressing forward and trying to be better each day. I love singing the song I Stand All Amazed. It gets me through the day! Love you all and really appreciate your prayers and support. well....cya
Elder Beeston
P.S. Dad make sure to work on your spanish!! Read the spanish B of M every day cuz how cool would it be if me you and doofy Tanner could talk to eachother and make a trip to Guatemala, Honduras and Riverside!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you're up for that. Also any day I have am having a rough time I wear your Guatemala tie and it gives me power!
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